Basics with Scene
Button Guide

Switch to photo list, album list, settings, and more.


View notifications about app updates, new comments and photos added to shared albums, etc.


Send or delete photos, etc.

*You can also open the menu with your device’s Menu button.
*Menu contents differ depending on the current screen.

Switch to the photo list, album list, and more, via the drawer. Tap in the upper left, then tap your selection.

* You can also open the drawer by swiping the screen from the left.

Tap to view notifications about app updates, new photos and comments added to shared albums, etc.

*Tap in the upper right to mark all messages as read.
*You can also view messages by swiping the screen from the right.

Send, copy, delete, or organize photos from the menu. Tap in the upper right to open the menu.

*Menu contents differ depending on the current screen.
*You can also open the menu with your device’s Menu button.
Hidden folders

Choose to show or hide folders on your device in Scene, on a folder-by-folder basis. In the drawer menu see Settings > “Hide folders”.

Show Only “Loose” Photos

Choose which photos to show in the main photo list. Show only photos not yet put in albums to make organizing easier than ever.